
Posts Tagged ‘mind of God’

Read God's Word slowly, frequently and prayerfully.

God’s Word is filled with promises and hope that inspire people even during difficult times. One pastor told this true story of an attorney in his church,

“After meditating on several Scriptures, this attorney decided to cancel the past-due debts of 17 of his clients. He drafted a letter and sent it via certified mail. One by one, the letters began to return, unsigned and unopened. Sixteen of the seventeen letters came back to him because the clients refused to sign for and open the envelopes, probably fearing that this attorney was suing them for their delinquent debts. How profound! We owe a debt for our sin and God is willing to cancel it but too many people will not even open His letter that contains this great news.”

  • Let me encourage you to open your Bible! This book is God’s love letter to you.
  • It reveals the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners and the happiness of believers.
  • Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true and its decisions are immutable.
  • Read it to be wise, believe it to be saved, practice it to be holy.
  • It contains light to guide you, food to nourish you and encouragement to cheer you.
  • It is the traveler’s map, the pilot’s compass, the soldier’s sword and the Christian’s character.
  • Here paradise is restored, heaven is opened and the gates of hell disclosed.
  • Christ is its grand subject, our good its design and the glory of God its end.
  • It should fill the memory, rule the heart and guide the feet.
  • Read it slowly, frequently and prayerfully.
  • It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory and a river of pleasure.
  • Follow its precepts and it will lead you to Calvary, to the empty tomb, to a resurrected life in Christ; yes, to glory itself, for all eternity.

“For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe” ~I Thessalonians 2:13

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